Defeated senate candidate Beto O’Rourke explains his loss.
On Tuesday, Texas voters surprisingly turned down an opportunity to cede their senate representation in Washington, D.C. to the state of California. Although electoral enthusiasm for Democrats was high, Democrat Francis O’Rourke lost his state senator bid to Republican Ted Cruz.
O’Rourke told reporters, “just because my party tends to drive cities and states into insolvency doesn’t mean that I would do the same here. Yes, I share their same progressive policy and fiscal goals, but it would be different this time.”
”As a former Sacramento resident, I couldn’t believe that my new neighbors here chose Cruz over Beto,” said Pamela Quilly, who recently moved to Texas. Quilly’s employer, SoftwareMax, moved its corporate headquarters to Frisco after accountants pointed out that employees were paying over half of their income to federal, state, and local taxes in California.
Quilly, a lifetime Democratic voter, said, “I was glad to finally get out of California. No doubt, California is a fiscal, political, regulatory basket case. The west coast is openly hostile to business, which is why my company moved to Texas. I understand that, but I still don’t get why Texans would turn down such a progressive visionary like Beto. Just because Beto shares the same ideals as the Democrats who made California an unlivable hellhole doesn’t mean that Texas would face that same fate.”
When asked for comment, a Beto campaign insider said, “maybe pushing to abolish Immigrations and Customs Enforcement from a state adjacent to a country with a raging drug war and cartel violence also wasn’t such a hot idea. Calling everyone in the criminal justice system the modern Jim Crow didn’t get the support we expected. But Texans will never know what they missed out on by choosing Cruz.”